Bahamas Conference -
The Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is the fourth largest religious denomination of the Bahamas.
Tagnet -
TAGnet stands for "Three Angels Global Networking" and is an organization operated by a group of Seventh-day Adventists wanting to use computer technology to benefit humanity. TAGnet is a member of ASI.
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The official SDA site is at: If you are interested in exactly what the SDA denomination teaches, this is the web site to consult. Their fundamental beliefs are at:
The Ellen G White® Estate, Inc. was created by Ellen G. White to handle custody of her writings. See: or Some of the writings of Ellen G. White are available from the at:
SDAnet encourages intercommunication among SDA groups, disseminate SDA information and announce college and university meetings and conferences. See: They also have a summary of SDA's "27 Fundamental Beliefs" at:
Voice of Prophecy is an international, Christian radio broadcast. It was founded by H.M.S. Richards in 1929, and is currently aired by more than 1,500 stations worldwide. See:
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